A sweet summer proposal in South Georgia cotton fields and a romantic Notebook kind of feel
By now, everyone has seen the movie The Notebook and if you haven’t I know you at least know of it. Well if this doesn’t give you all the Allie + Noah vibes, I don’t know what will.
If you’ve looked around on my site enough or on my Instagram feed, you’ve seen these faces before. Alley and Gaughf have been people who have been more than willing to do any random and crazy idea I’ve ever had for photos like the shoot in the Flint River to name one of my favorites ;). This particular shoot though was more than just a fun idea, it was special for a whole new reason.
Alley and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We’ve been through all the seasons of friendships. From awkward middle school stages, to breakups, to high school and then to college. I remember the first time I met Gaughf, my favorite thing about him was that he let Alley be herself. He respected her independence, her drive to succeed, and more than that, he encouraged it. They have fun together, laugh together, and I don’t think there could be a better guy for one of my best girls.
When I got to Alley’s house to take sunset pics in the cotton field behind it, our plan was to have her dad there to turn on the pivot. At the beginning, the whole point of this shoot was to make it be something different and fun. When we got out of the car, Gaughf was trying to tell me something and I in no way, caught on haha. It wasn’t until about 20 minutes later that he had to basically show me the ring that it finally clicked: TODAY IS THE DAY HE IS GOING TO PROPOSE.
One of the sweetest things was not just that moment, but also that Alley’s dad was there too to congratulate them and witness it all. They face timed their friends and family afterwards and it was a time that I’ll hold onto forever. These are moments that you can’t duplicate or forget and I love that I got to be there with them.

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